Fruit of the Burned Tree
Fruit of the Burned Tree
This is an incredibly personal book that I share with all of you. In respect to the values we hold, we figured it best that you knew who you were working with, who you're buying from, and why you're buying.
This book does not necessarily intend to transfer value via the contents of this book, but in the community it creates, the opportunity it gives, and the help it serves. As you will come to recognize, this book is not written by a brilliant man that has it all figured out, but a troubled individual who seeks to grasp the opportunity before him.
In all honesty, you should not buy this book yet. At the current time, I have done nothing to earn your trust, nothing for me to gain your consideration. That will change with time. If you decide not to buy, please consider following our social media accounts. Lots of fun stuff to come down the road.